date festival


Special screenings

© Les Films du Village
Les Oiseaux blancs, les oiseaux noirs

Florence Miailhe
2002 - France - 04mn

Screenings : thursday 25 - 6:00 pm - Le Qu4tre - presented and followed by a debate with Louis Mathieu - enseignant - Entrée libre
A parable on good and evil inspired by an African folk tale. The white birds symbolise good thoughts and good words, whereas the black birds represent bad thoughts and bad words.

Cast : Mohamed Camara
Voices : X
Screenplay : Florence Miailhe, d'après l'oeuvre d'Amadou Hampaté Bâ
Cinematography : Florence Miailhe
Editing : Fabrice Gerardi
Music : Denis Colin

Production : Les Films du Village

French distributor : Agence du court métrage