date festival



© DR
Nouveau monde

Vincent Cappello
2023 - France - 1h15

Screenings : friday 26 - 8:30 pm - Grand Théâtre - presented and followed by a debate with the film directors - Sandor Funtek and Rohid Rahimi - actors
After the fall of Kabul in August 2021, Rohid, a young Afghan refugee in Paris, has to find work to send money to his mother, who is being extorted and threatened with death by the Taliban.
Vincent Cappello
Vincent Cappello began his career as an actor on both stage and screen (Les Chevaliers du Ciel (Sky Fighters), Carmen) before writing screenplays for feature films (Max, with Joey Starr, Mathilde Seigner and Jean Pierre Marielle, Sol with Chantal Lauby and Camille Chamoux). He co-produced his first feature, Nouveau monde, with 120 Prods and is preparing a second feature starring Camélia Jordana.

Cast : Rohid Rahimi, Sandor Funtek, Iris Bry, Mujib Rahimi
Screenplay : Vincent Cappello
Cinematography : Vincent Cappello
Editing : Julien Schickel
Music : Matthieu Di Stefano

Production : 120 Prods, Les films du Cercle, Chinese Man Records