date festival


European animated films

Programme 1

This Will Not Be a Festival Film

To nie będzie film festiwalowy

Julia Orlik
2022 - Poland - 08mn

Screenings : sunday 21 - 4:30 pm - Centre de congrès - Auditorium - presented and followed by a debate with the film directors tuesday 23 - 10:00 pm - 400 Coups - 5
A tale of a girl who studied animation and spent four years without a day of vacation.
Julia Orlik
Born in Katowice in 1996, Julia Orlik is a graduate of the Łódź Film School with a specialisation in Animated Film and Special Effects. She is currently resides in Krupski Młyn, where all her time-lapse films were made in her family garage.

Screenplay : Julia Orlik
Sound : Bogdan Klat
Editing : Alexandra Rosset
Music : Bartlomiej Orlik

Production : École nationale de cinéma de Łódź