date festival


European student films

Programme 1

Bye Bye, Bowser

Jasmin Baumgartner
2023 - Austria - 20mn

Screenings : monday 22 - 4:45 pm - Centre de congrès - Auditorium - presented and followed by a debate with the film directors
Punk singer Luna rebels against the indifference of her artsy friends by writing a song about Laugo, the construction worker from across the street.
Jasmin Baumgartner
During her studies in screenwriting and directing at the Film Academy Vienna in the class of Michael Haneke, Jasmin made her first feature documentary, Robin's Hood, which won an award at Dok Leipzig. She works passionately with music in developing her feature film projects. Her work focuses on socially critical romance. In 2018 she founded the Sentimental Fail Club.

Cast : Luna Jordan, Laurence Hadschieff
Screenplay : Lorenz Uhl
Cinematography : Anna Hawliczek
Sound : Manfred Führling
Editor : Matthias Writze

Production : Filmakademie Wien

Filmakademie Wien
Doris Lagler
Metternichgasse 12
1030 Vienne
+43 1 71155-2902

The Filmakademie Wien is attached to the Vienna University of Music and Drama. Focusing on cross-disciplinarity, creation, theoretical discussion and training in criticism, the school emerged in the 1950s, firstly teaching theory. Today it is recognised around the world. Michael Haneke, Wolfgang Murnberger, Götz