date festival


European student films

Programme 4

Waking Up in Silence

Mila Zhluktenko, Daniel Asadi Faezi
2023 - Ukraine / Germany - 18mn

Screenings : thursday 25 - 2:00 pm - Centre de congrès - Auditorium - presented and followed by a debate with the film directors
A former military barracks of the Wehrmacht now serves as a refugee camp for people from Ukraine.
Mila Zhluktenko, Daniel Asadi Faezi Mila Zhluktenko, Daniel Asadi Faezi
Mila Zhluktenko (Kyiv/Ukraine) and Daniel Asadi Faezi (Schweinfurt/Germany) studied in the documentary department at University of Television and Film in Munich. They collaborated on various films, including The Absence of Apricots, Opera Glasses and Aralkum, which have screened at festivals such as Locarno, San Sebastian, and Visions.

Cinematography : Tobias Blickle
Sound : Daniel Asadi Faezi, Andrew Mottl
Editing : Mila Zhluktenko, Daniel Asadi Faezi
Music : Anton Baibakov

Production : University of Television and Film Munich

Hochschule für Fernsehen und Film München - HFF
Bernd-Eichinger-Platz 1
80333 Munich
+49 896 895 785 10

Since it was founded in 1966, HFF Munich has trained the film talents of tomorrow. Caroline Link, Doris Dörrie, Bernd Eichinger, Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck, Wim Wenders and Roland Emmerich are among its alumni. HFF Munich is a state institution with a scientific vocation. It fulfils the task of providing practical professional training.