date festival


European student films

Programme 3


Alexandra Roberta Serban
2023 - Romania - 30mn

Screenings : wednesday 24 - 4:45 pm - Centre de congrès - Auditorium - presented and followed by a debate with the film directors
Nicoleta meets her father for the first time, after finding him on the internet.
Alexandra Roberta Serban
Alexandra-Roberta Serban is 39 years old. She was born and raised in Bucharest and graduated with a double master's degree in Film direction and Filmology at the National University of Theatre and Film “I.L Caragiale”. She worked in film production and also got trained inside the production house “Mandragora”. She is interested in cinema to the extent that it is an anthropological tool.

Cast : Doru Ana, Katia Pascariu
Screenplay : Alexandra Roberta Serban
Cinematography : Catalin Rugina
Sound : Nicu Comarzan
Editing : Ciprian Cimpoi

Production : UNATC I.L.Caragiale

French distributor : UNATC

U.N.A.T.C. "I.L.Caragiale"
Raluca Drăgan
Str. Matei Voievod, nr. 75-77
021452 Bucarest
+21 252 8001

The University of Dramatic Art and Cinema was founded in Bucharest in 1950. It offers four programmes: directing for cinema and television, photography, sound and editing.