date festival


European student films

Programme 3

Daydreaming So Vividly About Our Spanish Holidays

La Herida Luminosa

Christian Avilés
2022 - Spain - 23mn

Screenings : wednesday 24 - 4:45 pm - Centre de congrès - Auditorium - presented and followed by a debate with the film directors
Driven by their desire for light and warmth, British teenagers take a trip to the Balearic Islands. They must absorb the sun and store it in their bodies to take it back to their cloud-covered kingdom.
Christian Avilés
Christian Avilés was born in Barcelona in 1997. He studied filmmaking at ESCAC. La herida luminosa (Daydreaming So Vividly About Our Spanish Holidays), his graduation film, is a fictional work in which he explores the themes of adolescence, magic and suicide. The film was selected for the Berlinale in 2023.

Cast : Sam Zeitlin, Julia Fossi, Dina Serra, Clara Sans, Gloria Sirvent, Julia Mascort, Quique Muro, Marcel Borràs, Olalla Escribano
Screenplay : Christian Avilés
Cinematography : Manuel G. Romero
Sound : Jimmy Solórzano
Editing : Christian Avilés
Music : Christian Avilés

Production : ESCAC

Clara Mata
9 Plaza de la Farinera
08222 Terrassa
+34 937361555

The ESCAC is a private educational institution where the necessary skills are imparted for the formation of future film and audiovisual professionals. The educational contents and the characteristics of its curriculum is based on a theoretical and practical vision in the preparation of its students. It is also involved in the professional world through lecturers who share their skills and the presence of professionals in conferences.