date festival



Programme 4

The Permanent Picture

La Imatge permanent

Laura Ferrés
2023 - Spain / France - 1h33

Screenings : thursday 25 - 2:00 pm - 400 Coups - 5 - presented and followed by a debate with the film director friday 26 - 6:00 pm - 400 Coups - 6
In a town in rural southern Spain, Antonia, a teenage mother, disappears in the middle of the night, leaving her baby behind. Fifty years later in Barcelona, Carmen, an introverted casting director, is looking for people to share their experiences of arriving in a new city. In her search, Carmen meets Antonia, an impulsive woman who intrudes into her loneliness. Who says that time heals all wounds?
Laura Ferrés
Laura Ferrés studied film at ESCAC in Barcelona. Her first short film, Los desheredados (The Disinherited), a portrait of her father having to deal with the end of the family bus business, received the Leica Cine Discovery Award at Cannes Critics' Week in 2017. Her first feature, L'Image permanente, had its world premiere at the Locarno Festival.

Cast : María Luengo, Rosario Ortega, Saraida Llamas, Claudia Fimia
Screenplay : Laura Ferrés
Cinematography : Agnès Piqué Corbera
Sound : Dani Fontrodona, Alejandro Castillo
Editing : Aina Calleja
Music : Fernando Moresi Haberman, Sergio Bertran

Production : Fasten Films, Le Bureau, Materia Cinema

International sales : Be For Films