date festival



Programme 2

Human, Not Human

En attendant les robots

Natan Castay
2022 - Belgium - 39mn

Screenings : tuesday 23 - 11:00 am - 400 Coups - 5 - presented and followed by a debate with the film directors wednesday 24 - 6:00 pm - 400 Coups - 6
Day and night, Otto spends his time blurring faces on Google Streetview for a cent each. It is the kind of work he and his friends around the world can find on the crowdworking platform Amazon Mechanical Turk. Alongside his turker friends, Otto sinks into a robotic world that raises the question of humanity.
Natan Castay
Natan Castay is a young director born in Brussels. He studied filmmaking at
IAD, in Belgium, and is interested in both fiction and documentary.
En attendant les robots (Human, Not Human) is his graduation film.

Screenplay : Natan Castay
Cinematography : Elias Berdah, Pierre Adamczyk
Sound : Guillaume Lion
Editing : Tabatha Duval
Music : Theda CPH Stream

Production : Institut des Arts de Diffusion - Mediadiffusion