date festival


Chenaplans 6+

Crab Day

Ross Stringer
2023 - United Kingdom - 11mn

Screenings : wednesday 24 - 2:15 pm - Centre de congrès - Amphi Jardin
It's crab day in a fishing community. During a ritual, the boys of the island must kill their first crab and thus become men. A young boy is torn between his ideals and his desire to please his father.
Ross Stringer
Ross Stringer studied animation at Farnham University, and made his first film, Trunk Calls, which was screened at numerous festivals. He developed a rather experimental style of filmmaking, but his time at the National Film and Television School (NTFS) developed his interest in traditional storytelling, which led to the production of Crab Day.

Screenplay : Aleksandra Sykulak
Animation : Ross Stringer
Editing : Donya Maguire
Music : Matteo Tronchin

Production : NFTS, Bartosz Stanislawek

French distributor : NFTS - National Film and Television School