date festival


French short films

Programme 2

Margarethe 89

Lucas Malbrun
2023 - France - 18mn

Screenings : wednesday 24 - 2:00 pm - Centre de congrès - Auditorium - presented and followed by a debate with the film directors wednesday 24 - 8:30 pm - Grand Ecran - La Pommeraye - presented and followed by a debate with the film directors thursday 25 - 10:15 pm - Pathé - 1
Leipzig, 1989. Margarethe, a young punk opposed to the East German regime, is detained in a psychiatric hospital. She dreams of breaking out to join the man she loves – a punk musician named Heinrich. Though the regime's days may well be numbered, Stasi informants are more present than ever.
Lucas Malbrun
Lucas Malbrun graduated from ENSAD Paris. His graduation film, Quand le fleuve se tait, won the short film prize at Toronto Film Week 2016. He then directed La Clé des champs, an episode in the series En sortant de l'école. With Marie Larrivé, he wrote the video clips Tropicool pour Gablé and Saba, which led to an exhibition at the Cité Internationale des Arts. His next project, L'Empereur au balcon, was awarded a writing residency at the Villa Medici in 2023.

Cast : Anna Hedderich, Franz Liebig, Lucas Prisor, Jochen Hägele, Romane Meutelet, Verena Walden
Voices : X
Screenplay : Lucas Malbrun, Marie Larrivé
Sound : Elodie Thevenin
Editing : Clara Saunier, Vincent Tricon
Music : Mael Oudin

Production : Eddy Production

French distributor : Wasia Distribution