date festival


European short films

Programme 2

Shimmering Bodies

Corpos Cintilantes

Inês Teixeira
2023 - Portugal - 23mn

Screenings : friday 26 - 2:00 pm - Centre de congrès - Auditorium - presented and followed by a debate with the film directors saturday 27 - 10:00 pm - 400 Coups - 5
The afternoon Jorge asks Mariana over for a weekend at his house in Leiria, she starts to see him in a whole new light. Unsure of her friend's intentions, Mariana accepts his unexpected and baffling invitation.
Inês Teixeira
Inês Teixeira was born in Lisbon in 1991. She studied editing at the Escuela Superior de Teatro y Cine in Lisbon, and completed her Masters in Cultural Studies at the Universidade Católica Portuguesa. She has worked as a scriptwriter, assistant editor and editor for films and television series.

Cast : Mari Abreu, Gaspar Menezes, Beatriz Forjaz, Maria Gil
Screenplay : Inês Teixeira
Cinematography : Vasco Viana
Sound : Tomé Palmeirim
Editing : Joana Góis

Production : Terratreme Filmes