date festival


Special screenings

© Lardux Films
La Saint Festin

Anne-Laure Daffis, Léo Marchand
2007 - France - 15mn

Screenings : wednesday 24 - 4:45 pm - 400 Coups - 5 - presented and followed by a debate with Xavier Kawa-Topor and Fabrice Blin - auteurs de L’Odyssée de La Planète sauvage
Tomorrow is November 40 th ! St Feast's Day! The great ogre festival. So if you haven't caught a child yet, hurry up and happy hunting!

Cast : François Morel
Voices : X
Screenplay : Anne-Laure Daffis, Léo Marchand
Sound : Erwan Keranet, Adam Wolny
Editing : Pierre-Yves Fave
Music : Nicolas Laureau

Production : Lardux Films

French distributor : Agence du court métrage