date festival


Special screenings

Au premier dimanche d'août

Florence Miailhe
2000 - France - 11mn

Screenings : wednesday 24 - 4:45 pm - 400 Coups - 5 - presented and followed by a debate with Xavier Kawa-Topor and Fabrice Blin - auteurs de L’Odyssée de La Planète sauvage
An August Sunday in the south of France. Bit by bit the village square comes to life, the musicians tune up, children shout, the fête begins…

Screenplay : Florence Miailhe
Cinematography : Florence Miailhe
Editing : Natalie Perrey, Lionel Hayet
Music : Denis Colin

Production : Les Films de l'Arlequin, UMT, Canal +, ARTE France

French distributor : Agence du court métrage