date festival


Rodrigo Sorogoyen

© Telefónica Audiovisual Digital SLU
Antidisturbios - Ep. 4 - 5 - 6

Rodrigo Sorogoyen
2020 - Spain - 2h53

Screenings : thursday 25 - 7:00 pm - 400 Coups - 5 - followed by a debate with the film directors
Six riot police officers are ordered to expel the residents of an apartment in a working-class area of Madrid. They are overwhelmed by homeless rights activists and lose control of the situation which descends into tragedy. A man dies in the incident. Laia, a young internal affairs inspector, is determined to bring out the truth behind the events.
Rodrigo Sorogoyen and Isabel Peña developed this project from an unused element of Que Dios nos perdone (May God Save Us)). The officer played by Roberto Álamo was meant to be a member of the riot police. “Violence is part of their everyday lives. People are afraid of them. In Spain, as in many countries, they are seen as the armed wing of those in power. They are very interesting for us because deep down they are just doing a job. They suffer, don't earn much money, work hard, but are ‘on the other side'." Inspired by the police crackdown against the Los Idignados anti-austerity movement, Sorogoyen seeks to depict a complex reality around this divisive figure, so far untreated in Spanish fiction“I'm not looking to criticise police violence. I'm not looking to defend the police. I'm looking tell in black and white the story of a character, a subject,a collective”. (Rodrigo Sorogoyen) “A TV gem, with a breathtaking finale, which once again confirms Sorogoyen's talent and that of his no less brilliant writing partner”. (Edouard Orozco; Première)

Cast : Vicky Luengo, Raúl Arévalo, Álex García, Hovik Keuchkerian, Roberto Álamo, Raúl Prieto
Screenplay : Isabel Peña, Rodrigo Sorogoyen, Eduardo Villanueva
Cinematography : Alejandro de Pablo, Diego Cabezas
Editing : Alberto del Campo, Miguel Doblado, Pedro Collantes
Music : Olivier Arson

Production : The Lab Cinema SL, Caballo Films, Movistar Series

French distributor : Movistar