date festival


Raymon Depardon and Claudine Nougaret

© Palmeraie et désert
Mon arbre

Raymond Depardon, Claudine Nougaret
2019 - France - 26mn

At the heart of the thinking behind the exhibition Nous les arbres, the relationship between man and tree becomes the subject of Raymond Depardon and Claudine Nougaret's film, which paints, through the words of those who rub shoulders with them, the portrait of the plane trees or oaks that shade village squares and which are associated with so many memories, from the most personal to the most historical.
“People have disregarder trees since antiquity and the Greek philosophers. They are treated as an inferior race, even though they are at least as sensitive as humans and have much more experience than we do. They know things we don't,” Francis Hallé says in the film. Commissioned by the Cartier Foundation for the exhibition Nous les arbres, the film was never released in theatres.