date festival


Raymon Depardon and Claudine Nougaret

© Palmeraie et desert

Raymond Depardon
1998 - France - 1h37

A director, who is about to make a film, is looking for an actress. He talked to a casting director about it and the next day, they set up shop at Saint-Lazare station, on the lookout for just the right face.
“The initial idea was to film the capital from a different angle, (...) replace the judge or the psychiatrist by a filmmaker and try to make a film with “normal” people, people you would meet in the street”. The fiction takes the form of a film in the making with Luc Delahaye, an actual (war) photographer, and Sylvie Peyre, an actual assistant director, in the role of the filmmaker-voyeur. “As the casting director explains, "we all have ideas about people” and this very ordinary-seeming sentence reveals the essence of Depardon's cinema, a cinema that has always tried to go out to meet others as directly as possible, protecting the microclimate in which everyone lives and reducing the interference caused by the presence of a camera to a minimum”. (Olivier Séguret, Libération)

Cast : Sylvie Peyre, Luc Delahaye, Emilie Lafarge, Barbara Jung, Métilde Weyergans, Sandy Boizard
Cinematography : Raymond Depardon
Sound : Jonathan Acbard, Claudine Nougaret
Editing : Roger Ikhlef
Music : Faton Cahen

Production : Canal+, Centre National de la Cinématographie (CNC), Double D Copyright

French distributor : Palmeraie et désert