date festival


Regina Pessoa, Abi Feijó - Figures of the Portuguese animation


Abi Feijó
2000 - Portugal - 08mn

Screenings : monday 22 - 10:15 am - Grand Théâtre thursday 25 - 10:30 am - Pathé - 1 - followed by a debate with the film director
On a cold Christmas Eve, a freighter pulls into a foggy port. Hoping reach land, a stowaway has to overcome his own fears.
There is nothing more dismal than a decaying port, particularly at night. This is the setting for Clandestino (Stowaway), Abi Feijó's bewitching short film, adapted from a story by José Rodrigues Miguéis. Immersed in the mind of a stowaway, the film wants to make us feel his fear. To do this, Feijó uses the technique of sand on glass to create the rich, dense, and melancholic images of the foggy port.

Cast : Jorge Mota, Manuel Tadros
Voices : X
Screenplay : Abi Feijó
Animation : Abi Feijó, Regina Pessoa
Sound : Tentúgal
Editing : Saguenail, Regina Guimaraes
Music : Tentúgal

Production : Filmógrafo

French distributor : Agencia - Agence du court-métrage portugais