date festival


Regina Pessoa, Abi Feijó - Figures of the Portuguese animation

Tio Thomas, A Contabilidade Dos Dias

Regina Pessoa
2019 - Portugal / Canada / France - 13mn

Screenings : monday 22 - 10:15 am - Grand Théâtre thursday 25 - 10:30 am - Pathé - 1 - followed by a debate with the film director
Using my childhood memories, this film pays tribute to my uncle Thomas, a humble, but slightly eccentric man, who lived a simple and anonymous life, but who counted a great deal for me. This is my way of showing that someone's life does not have to be extraordinary for them to become someone exceptional in our lives.
Tio Tomás, A Contabilidade Dos Dias (Uncle Thomas : Accounting for the Days) looks at the very special relationship Regina Pessoa had with her uncle. This film is an expression of love to a man from the fringes of society who was a determining factor in the director's life, as well as being her artistic spark. The film won the audience, best original music, and jury prizes in the short films category of the 2019 Annecy Animated Film Festival.

Screenplay : Regina Pessoa
Sound : Normand Roger
Editing : Abi Feijó
Music : Normand Roger

Production : Ciclope Filmes

French distributor : Agence du court métrage