date festival


Isabelle Huppert, European

© DR
The Lacemaker

La Dentellière

Claude Goretta
1977 - Switzerland / France / Germany - 1h48

Screenings : saturday 27 - 10:00 am - Centre de congrès - Auditorium - followed by a debate with Isabelle Huppert - actress animée par Serge Toubiana - journalist and film critic
Two young women, Pomme and Marylène, go on holiday. But Marylène leaves her friend on her own. Pomme meets François.
“Adapted from a novel by Pascal Lainé, La Dentellière (The Lacemaker) (1977) brought the young Isabelle Huppert to international attention and has all the qualities of the cinema of Claude Goretta, one of the best representatives of new Swiss cinema of the 60s and 70s along with Alain Tanner: precision of direction, sensuality, political awareness. Shy Pomme awakens to the pleasures of the senses thanks to a first love, François, whom she meets on the seashore. The couple decide to live together. But Pomme is an uneducated assistant hairdresser, while François is a student from the intellectual bourgeoisie. They don't belong together, and he lets her down in a cowardly way. She passively accepts the break-up, but will never get over it. Behind its apparent gentleness, La Dentellière is a violent work that transposes the class struggle onto the terrain of romantic feelings, demonstrating, here as elsewhere, their irreconcilable nature. The result is all the crueller. This was Isabelle Huppert's first leading role, and she gave an absolutely brilliant performance, as impressive as ever in the light of the many other roles and outstanding performances that have marked her rich career since. A few years later, she played a middle-class woman in Maurice Pialat's Loulou, a film about a young working-class man (Gérard Depardieu) with no future. Another great film. (Olivier Père; Arte)

Cast : Isabelle Huppert, Yves Beneyton, Florence Giorgetti, Annemarie Düringer, Renate Schroeter
Screenplay : Pascal Lainé, Claude Goretta
Cinematography : Jean Boffety
Sound : Bernard Chaumeil, Pierre Gamet
Editing : Joële Van Effenterre
Music : Pierre Jansen

Production : Action Films, Citel Films, Filmproduktion Janus, France 3

French distributor : Jupiter Films