date festival


Carla Simón

Las pequeñas cosas

Carla Simón
2015 - United Kingdom / - 27mn

Screenings : thursday 25 - 4:45 pm - 400 Coups - 5 - presented by the film director saturday 27 - 2:00 pm - 400 Coups - 5
Anna is 40 years old and suffers from dwarfism. Her mother, a beautiful, sophisticated woman, has never accepted this difference. The taboos and silences between the two women resonate more intensely than ever as they await a visit from Anna's brother Juan.
"This is my graduation film from the London Film School, where I studied for a Masters. The story is inspired by the relationship between my grandmother and my aunt. I learned a lot during this project!” Carla Simón

Cast : Jesusa Andany, Carmen Díaz, Ana María Prada, Carme Sansa
Screenplay : Carla Simón
Cinematography : Juan Carlos Lausín
Editing : Álvaro Gago

Production : London Film School