37th edition
18-26 january 2025

Wo wir hingehören

Jonah Wögerbauer

Image Wo wir hingehören
2024 Documentaire 15 min
OV with French subtitles
Xenia contemplates her freshly shaved head in the mirror. She is showing her Cochlea-Implant openly – a step that required a lot of courage. As a deaf activist raised in a hearing environment, she wants to build bridges between both worlds.
Through a photo project, Xenia initiates a dialogue with other CI-users, together they explore questions of dependency and belonging between the worlds.
Cast : Xenia Dürr
Cinematography : Clara Marnette
Sound : Sufian Auda
Editing : Maksim Mau
Production : Film University Babelsberg Konrad Wolf
Jonah Wögerbauer began making films with friends at an early age. After graduating from high school in Vienna, he made his first short film, Unerhört (2019), in which a conductor and a deaf dancer try to find a common language. Jonah has been studying directing at the Film University Babelsberg Konrad Wolf since October 2023.