37th edition
18-26 january 2025

Mission Socrate

Bertrand Lenclos, Jackie Berroyer

Image Mission Socrate
2009 Fiction 26 min
Noting the growing and inevitable decadence of our society, three men, at a chance encounter a Turkish bath, decide to go back in time with the idea of turning Socrates away from philosophy, and thus stopping the decline of humanity.
With : Fred Tousch, Jackie Berroyer, Laurent Petit, Arnaud Aymard
Screenplay : Bertrand Lenclos, Jackie Berroyer, Arnaud Aymard, Laurent Petit
Image : Thomas Lettlier
Sound : Pascal Despres
Editing : Pascal Despres
Production : Chaya Films, Julie Romano // 54 bd de Chanzy, 93100 Montreuil, France // Tel : + 33 1 43 62 71 99 // Email : julieromano@chayafilms.com
After working as an industrial designer, Jackie Berroyer became known as a rock critic on Charlie Hebdo, before presenting shows on Canal +. In 2006, he wrote a comic and musical one-man show entitled Ma vie de jolie fille, in which he uses auto-fiction and the absurd. Bertrand Lenclos qualified from the Ecole Nationale Louis Lumière, and started is career by composing musical themes and sound effects for the cinema (including Kieslowsky's Blue and Red) and for commercials. He has been part of several musical groups as a performer (piano, bass, cimbalom). Mission Socrate is their first short.