Competition 2025
Nearly 100 first films have been selected in 7 categories: European feature films, Diagonales, European shorts, French shorts, School films, Animated shots, Chenaplans (for children aged 3 and 6).
European feature films
Presentation of the feature films in the selection
A young section that puts the spotlight back on first works that are daring, plural, full of élan and inventiveness, and that often take a step to the side. Films of different origins, durations and forms to reflect on contemporary film and its political and intimate issues.
European short films
Presentation of the European short films, in two programmes.
French short films
Presentation of the French short films, in two programmes.
Student films
A panorama of short films showing the vitality of today's European film schools.
Animated films
Presentation of the animated films in the selection, in two programmes.
Short films for kids
In partnership with Benshi, which is donating the two prizes awarded to the winners
Two programmes of first European short films for children aged 3 or 6 and upwards, voted on exclusively by children. Inventive, poetic, moving or funny, the films offer a wealth of artistic worlds to explore, characters to meet and stories to share.