date festival


Special screenings

Entre les vagues

Anaïs Volpé
2021 - France - 1h39

Screenings : thursday 25 - 7:00 pm - 400 Coups - 5 - followed by a debate with the film directors
Dreaming, forging ahead, falling, getting up, dreaming again and starting over. They have the energy of their youth, its joy, and its carefreeness. Two best friends and their desire to discover the world. Morgot and Alba arte unstoppable and inseparable.
Anaïs Volpé
Anaïs Volpé is a self-taught screenwriter, director, and editor. After several years in the theatre as an actress, she started directing, working on several films, from writing to editing.
In 2016, she wrote, directed, edited and produced the cross-media project
Heis (Chroniques), made up of a feature film, a series and an artistic installation. The project was exhibited in several places and selected for several international film festivals.
She went on to co-direct the documentary series
Dans la jungle, avec un petit couteau à beurre… supported by the CNC, which questions the concept ogf qualifications and the way the school system works in France.
Entre les vagues (The Braves), her first feature, she worked with the American cinematographer Sean Price Williams (Good Time, Mad Love in New York).

Cast : Souheila Yacoub et Déborah Lukumuena, Matthieu Longatte
Screenplay : Anaïs Volpé
Cinematography : Sean Price Williams
Sound : Marc-Olivier Brullé
Editing : Zoé Sassier

Production : Unité

French distributor : KMBO