date festival



Kensuke's Kingdom

Neil Boyle, Kirk Hendry
2023 - United Kingdom / Luxembourg / France - 1h24

Screenings : tuesday 23 - 2:30 pm - Pathé - 2 - presented by Dominique Terasas - film teacher
The incredible story of 11-year-old Michael who set off with his parents to sail around the world, before a terrible storm swept him and his dog, Stella, overboard. How will they to survive marooned on a desert island? A mysterious stranger comes to their rescue, offering them food and drink. He is Kensuke, a former Japanese soldier who has been living alone on the island with his orang-utan friends since the war.
“With Kensuke's Kingdom, we had the rare opportunity to make a film that would appeal to both children and adults. We wanted to tackle the deep themes of this story head-on, by transposing them into a family adventure for the big screen. This is the kind of film where joy and emotions are increased tenfold when experienced collectively as part of an audience. We all need each other - and that's what Kensuke's Kingdom is really about; but also about our responsibilities, not just to other people, but to all the creatures we have to live with on this little island we call Earth.” (Neil Boyle and Kirk Hendry, directors)

Voices : X
Screenplay : Frank Cottrell-Boyce
Editing : Richard Overall
Sound : Will Cohen
Music : Stuart Hancock

Production : Lupus Films, Jigsaw Films, Melusine Productions / Studio 352, Le Pacte, Bumpybox

French distributor : Le Pacte

International sales : Bankside