date festival



Programme 5

A Kind of Testament

Stephen Vuillemin
2023 - France - 16mn

Screenings : friday 26 - 2:00 pm - 400 Coups - 5 - presented and followed by a debate with the film directors saturday 27 - 10:00 am - 400 Coups - 1
A young woman comes across animations on the Internet that have clearly been created from her private selfies. A stranger with the same name confesses to identity theft. But death is quicker than the answer to the question: “Why?”
Stephen Vuillemin
Stephen Vuillemin was born in 1986 in Besançon, and is an animation director, comics author, and illustrator. His 2011 webcomic Lycéennes was branded “a novel use of animated gifs” by Cartoon Brew and tells the story of a girl getting sick after a dog licked her ear. Between 2016 and 2022, Vuillemin dedicated his time to creating his first animated short, A Kind of Testament, first by himself and then with the support of production company Remembers. He has also collaborated with notable clients such as Chanel and The New York Times. After previously living in London and Taipei, Stephen Vuillemin now lives in Paris.

Cast : Naomi Yang, Angela Clerkin, Freida Siddall, Aisha Arden, Bethy Read
Voices : X
Screenplay : Stephen Vuillemin
Animation : Stephen Vuilllemin
Sound : Lucien Krampf
Music : Charlie Janiaut (QOSO)

Production : Remembers

French distributor : Manifest