date festival


French short films

Coeurs perdus

Frédéric Lavigne
2023 - France - 34mn

Screenings : monday 22 - 2:00 pm - 400 Coups - 5 - presented and followed by a debate with les équipes de films
Paris, 1992. Julien, a science PhD student, learns of the death of Christophe, a young suburban hairdresser he had met a few months earlier. He sets off on a journey to retrace their history and try to understand and forgive.
Frédéric Lavigne
A passionate cinephile, but a scientist by training, Frédéric Lavigne changed professions after a thesis and five years of research. He became programmer of the Premiers Plans festival in Angers, then Audiovisual Attaché at the French Institute in London, before joining the Forum des images as Director of Educational Action. In 2010, he programmed the new Séries Mania festival, becoming artistic director in 2017 when it moved to Lille. In 2023, he wrote and directed Cœurs perdus, his first short fiction film.

Cast : Guillaume Soubeyran, Isaak Dessaux, Stéphanie Michelini, Julia Perazzini, Zbeida Belhajamor
Screenplay : Frédéric Lavigne
Cinematography : Maxime Berger
Sound : Thibaut Sichet
Editing : Jeanne Sarfati
Music : Philippe Deschamps

Production : Melodrama