date festival


Special screenings

Les Filles du vent

Héloïse Ferlay
2021 - France - 03mn

Screenings : wednesday 24 - 4:45 pm - 400 Coups - 5 - presented and followed by a debate with Xavier Kawa-Topor and Fabrice Blin - auteurs de L’Odyssée de La Planète sauvage
In search of independence, a young girl is visited by the Daughters of the Wind. They give her the hope and courage to grow up. A new day has come.
Based on the original work by Andrée Chedid, freely inspired by Les Filles du vent (Textes pour une figure, Textes pour un poème, Éditions Flammarion, 1968).

Cast : Billie Chedid
Voices : X
Editing : Thomas Grandremy
Music : Julien Divisia

Production : Tant Mieux Prod

French distributor : Tant Mieux Prod