date festival


Raymon Depardon and Claudine Nougaret

© Palmeraie et desert

Raymond Depardon
1981 - France - 1h30

Between 1 and 31 October 1980, Raymond Depardon filmed photographers from the Agence Gamma as they went about their everyday business covering various events: Jacques Chirac's visit to shopkeepers in Paris, a council of ministers, Richard Gere's visit to Paris, the premiere of Sauve qui peut (la vie) (Every Man for Himself) at the Cinémathèque française, the Cartier gala in the Place Vendôme...
Raymond Depardon is one of the founders of the Gamma Agency, whose photographers he follows here in their unglamorous jobs: waiting, seducing, convincing, photographing and finally returning to the office. Depardon radicalises the style he began to develop in 1974, une partie de campagne: raw images, without music or voice-overs but with direct sound. He manages to show the other side of public people (especially politicians). Their natural behaviour in a private setting and then another in front of cameras and flashguns. Over time, Reporters gives the heady impression of being a snapshot of a time which is both near and distant.

Cast : Ursula Andress, Francis Apestéguy, Raymond Barre, Jean-Gabriel Barthélémy, Omar Bongo, Christian Bonnet, Yvon Bourges, Marc Bulka, François Caron, Jacques Chirac, Coluche, Richard Gere
Cinematography : Raymond Depardon
Sound : Raymond Depardon
Editing : Olivier Froux

Production : Bibliothèque publique d'information du centre Georges Pompidou

French distributor : Palmeraie et désert