date festival


Regina Pessoa, Abi Feijó - Figures of the Portuguese animation

Amélia & Duarte

Alice Guimarães, Mónica Santos
2015 - Germany / Portugal - 09mn

Screenings : thursday 25 - 7:00 pm - Pathé - 1 - presented and followed by a debate with the film director saturday 27 - 10:30 am - Pathé - 1
Amélia et Duarte have broken up and try to deal with the feelings that appear following this.
The story begins with an ending. The end of Amélia and Duarte. And with it, the destruction by whatever means possible of any memories of their love. Pixilation, stop motion, the technicolour atmosphere of the 1950s, all combine with the surrealist actions of the former lovers. One single objective: dividing, distancing, destroying, and trying to erase their memories.

Cast : Luís Ribeiro, Sara Costa
Screenplay : Alice Guimarães, Mónica Santos
Cinematography : Manuel Pinto Barros
Editing : Martha Ewa Wojakowska
Music : Pedro Marques

Production : Ciclope Filmes, Studio FILM BILDER

French distributor : Agencia - Agence du court-métrage portugais