date festival


Regina Pessoa, Abi Feijó - Figures of the Portuguese animation

Fado Lusitano

Abi Feijó
1994 - Portugal - 06mn

Screenings : monday 22 - 10:15 am - Grand Théâtre thursday 25 - 10:30 am - Pathé - 1 - followed by a debate with the film director
Portugal is seen as a small country on the edge of Europe, with an adventurous spirit, a melancholic soul and a submissive body. An animated film with a nomadic spirit.
WIth Fado Lusitano, Abi Feijó builds up his film like a collage bringing together different contexts to give a representation of the history of Portugal. “Animation is so well known it is unknown. It's paradoxical. People know Disney films so well, along with the films of commercial studios they have engendered, that they can no longer see that there are auteur films in animation. Films which have kept a certain poetry, whereas a long (animated) film is based on the narrative”. (Abi Feijó, interviewed by Colette Khalaf)

Cinematography : Abi Feijó
Music : Manuel Tantugal

Production : Filmógrafo

French distributor : Agencia - Agence du court-métrage portugais