date festival


Carla Simón

© Inicia Films

Carla Simón
2016 - Spain - 15mn

Screenings : thursday 25 - 4:45 pm - 400 Coups - 5 - presented by the film director saturday 27 - 2:00 pm - 400 Coups - 5
An experimental short film that takes up the figure of Neus Pipó, Carla Simón's mother, by juxtaposing the reading of her letters with a journey to the places where she wrote them.
Carla Simón filmed Llacunes between September and December 2015. It is a 14-minute independent film that was crucial in the process of creating Estiu 1993 (Summer 1993). At the time, Carla Simón was already immersed in writing the script, of which she would make several versions. During a conversation, someone suggested that her biological mother was missing from her scenario. She decided to give her more visibility, realising that she had very few memories of her.
“I shot
Llacunes to recover her memory. I got hold of her letters and went to the places where she had written them. You cannot generate memories if you do not have them in the first place, but that allowed me to feel closer to her and I managed to make her presence clearer in the film.” Carla Simón

Screenplay : Carla Simón
Editing : Ana Pfaff

Production : Inicia Films