date festival



© Umberto Montiroli

Paolo et Vittorio Taviani
1984 - Italy - 3h07

L'altro figlio (The other Son), Requiem, Mal di luna (Moon Sickness), La giara (The Jar) and Colloquio con la madre (Conversing with Mother) are the titles of the four stories and the epilogue that make up this film. They take us to a magical world where tragedy, fantasy and dreams converge.
Kaos comes from Càvusu, the Sicilian dialect name for Luigi Pirandello birthplace near Agrigento. The Taviani brothers, looking for a new path, felt the need to return to Sicily. One evening, in their hotel room, they discovered Pirandello's Novelle per un anno (Short Stories for a Year). Essentially marked by the metaphysical Pirandello of the theatre, the Taviani brothers were amazed by a more poetic Pirandello closer to the popular pulse. “Deep down, the true identity of the writer is the man who collected – through the stories his nanny told him – these stories which are so profoundly rooted in Sicily”, they said. But above all, through these stories, originally passed down orally, the Taviani brothers understood that they had the subject of their next film. “This was the birth of Kaos”.

Cast : Margarita Lozano, Orazio Torrisi, Carlo Cartier, Biagio Barone, Laura Mollica, Salvatore Rossi, Franco Scaldati, Pasquale Spadola
Screenplay : Paolo Taviani, Vittorio Taviani, Tonino Guerra
Cinematography : Giuseppe Lanci
Sound : Alessandro Zanon
Editing : Roberto Perpignani
Music : Nicola Piovani

Production : Filmtre, Rai 1

French distributor : Rai Com